Member Duty

Member Duty & Volunteering

Our Club is a not for profit sporting club that is run 100% by volunteers. Members over the age of 13 are required to volunteer their time for a minimum of 2 duty weekends throughout the season. This is outlined in the Club By Laws. Members can log on to our online rostering program Dutyman to select their duty dates and roles. If you are having trouble logging in to Dutyman  please email your requested dates and duties to 

There are different types of duty available and you can select / swap to the type that best suits your interests and skill set. These include Cafe Duty, General Cleaning / Maintenance, Race Officer, Start Boat, Course Laying Boat, Safety RIBs.

A checklist (download available at bottom of this page) has been formulated to work through for duty and can be found in the binder on the sign on desk. Make sure you sign on the duty checklist each day, so we know you have attended. You can also sign on the racing sign on sheet with the wording "duty" to obtain average points in the series that is being run that weekend. A Committee Rep (wearing a pink vest) is around on the weekends to answer any questions regarding your duty.

Saturday duty requires a 2-hour commitment at a time that is convenient to you (unless otherwise advised on the roster). By working your way through the checklist, the next person who comes along can then continue, knowing what tasks still need to be done.

Sunday duty is assisting the Race Officer (orange vest) on the water and helping in the Yard Arm Cafe to prepare and sell lunches, drinks and snacks, as well as general cleaning. (Cafe duty brief downloadable below). People rostered for on water duty (rescue boats / starters) are required at 7am for Club Racing days. If working in the cafe (and not arriving earlier with a partner) you are required at 10am. Finish is mid to late afternoon, with the last rescue boat being removed from the water when Club organised sailing is finished (excluding training courses).

The duty roster is arranged through our online program Dutyman. Logon to roster your duty or check the event calendar. If you have any questions or problems you can email the AWYC Dutyman Administrator.

Log on to DutyMan 

To select your duty date and role 

Or copy and paste to your web browser.